In Coming Home, Kay Tobler Liss’s second novel, four generations of a family return to cherished places in nature from their youth and uncover buried secrets about themselves. From the coast of North Carolina to New York, from Savannah, Georgia to Switzerland, the places include a meadow, a pine grove, a river, and mountain valley. Their journeys begin after a Christmas dinner together and end a year later when they share their healing journeys with each other, and thus start to heal as a family. One of the pivotal events in the life of the family is the death of a sibling and son. The most valuable lesson they learn is that nature can not only be a source of beauty and solace but of personal transformation and expanding one’s compassion for all life.
Coming Home, Second Novel by Kay Tobler Liss Available Dec 1, 2023
By: Pam Knight|Published on: Nov 8, 2023|Categories: New Release, News| 0 comments