A Quiet Divide

ISBN: 9781935514923

Author: Roger Colombik

Date Published: 02-Jun-06

Pages: 112

Price: 14.95


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The truth will always survive generation to generation. I don’t have fifteen years to chase philosophy. We’ll  keep things simple. A peace center to educate and publish. To forgive. To never forget. To reorient people towards making a contribution to society. To relearn how to love, and leave the hate behind.
Dr. Ivan Dejanov, Skopje, Macedonia 1998

These poems, journal entries and photographs come from an artist’s journey through Eastern Europe and the Middle East. Duatone photographs printed with utmost care to detail render people, place and the meaning of lives in context. The heart of survival within the ravages of war and oppression sings out of these pages.
Susan Bright, poet


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