A Spirited Escape

ISBN: 9781891386930

Author: Johnson, Barbara Mary

Date Published: 10/15/07

Pages: 200

Price: 14.95


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SKU: 189138693X Category:


A Spirited Escape: Wilderness Empathy
Teaches Response to Sociopathic Vendetta

Fabulous book! I loved this story. It brought back to life that summer, my experiences at Holden (2002).

Nancy A. Johnson, Registrar, Holden Village, WA

Johnson has woven together some harsh but treasured experiences, cartoonishly alarming dreams, daytime musings and words of wisdom to fashion a tapestry of understanding and forgiveness.
Lani Steele, International Educator, Poet, Fiction and Travel Writer

How does a good, loving couple endure and triumph over a neighbor from hell who openly pledges to harass them till they die? You’ll share the tears, feel the fears and exalt in the outcome of this poignant real-life story, carefully and passionately documented by the author. Her account is a riveting read.
Randall Murray, Journalism Professor Emeritus, Cal Poly

A Spirited Escape inspires with lessons in sensitivity and personal triumph over adversity. Coupled with therapeutic hiking in the unparalleled beauty of Glacier Peaks Wilderness, the book is a pleasurable read for adventure seekers and/or solace for those who suffer exigencies of wrongful accusation.

Wilma Gore, Author, Long Distance Grandparenting

Poems by barbara marysdaughter (Johnson’s pen name for poetry) follow eight chapters in her book to vibrate with visions uniquely her own. From whimsical, satirical and hard-hitting to the lyrical, they engage us with keen wit, sensitivity, haunting imagery, and probing questions.
Jane Elsdon, Poet Laureate of San Luis Obispo, CA 2005

Johnson quotes American poet Muriel Rukeyser: “A world is to be fought, sung and built: love must imagine the world.” The author writes: “This community is building and fighting for a world where love rules, and musicians at Holden sing it into reality.” A splendid performance: Bravo!
R.K. Johnston, Jazz musician

Biography & Autobiography : Women
Sports & Recreation : Hiking
Body, Mind & Spirit : Spirituality – General


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