Dead In Iraq

ISBN: 9780911051544

Author: Ottenberg, Eve

Date Published: 11/15/08

Pages: 240

Price: 18.95


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SKU: 0911051546 Category:


A stereoscopic study of battlefield carnage and suburban aspirations – of the chaos of roadside explosions abroad and the masquerade of normality at home – Eve Ottenberg’s stingingly detailed, stately paced Dead in Iraq is an elegy suffused with a sense of loss and fortified with a quiet fury over lives destroyed, dreams dashed, bonds severed. It’s a novel about what happens under the noise of headline news, and how the lives of the survivors are lived after those headlines fade – the silent, invisible true casualty toll of war.

James Wolcott, Vanity Fair columnist

and author of the novel The Catsitters

Eve Ottenberg not only knows how to tell a story, but brings you so far inside that it’ll stay with you.

Nat Hentoff, Village Voice columnist

Fiction : Literary


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