Getting Real about Alzheimers: Rementia Through Engagement, Assistance, and Love

ISBN: 9781632100047

Author: King, Kassandra

Date Published: 9/1/14

Pages: 102

Price: 14.95


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SKU: 1632100045 Category: Tag:


Getting REAL About Alzheimer’s proposes a shift away from the negative beliefs that contribute to a downward spiral of dementia. A shift is possible, and you can see when it happens. The difference is huge! “Getting REAL” is a reference to Rementia through Engagement, Assistance, and Love. As a guide for family and friends of persons with Alzheimer’s as well as for professional caregivers, these pages contain practical solutions in eldercare anyone can apply everyday.
Eighteen months after the start of the garden project, a care resident previously consumed by his loss of personhood is found watering and working in the beautiful garden he created. His story of transformation starts this book. From there, Getting REAL About Alzheimer’s explains the shift to rementia and the glory of caregiving from the heart.

“I am literally blown away. This book has a wonderful, gentle but clear explanatory tone of sound and experienced reasoning. Empathy, in the truest sense, is glowing from the pages. It is very lucid. It is very well written. I might also have an elevated understanding of the issues, since I worked many years in Swedish hospitals and with the elderly population. I always had a great connection with them. I am reminded of many similar, great and insightful experiences, while I am reading. The anecdotes have brought tears of joy to my eyes. Something big and altruistic is documented with this book.”
Peter Nilsson, Caregiver


With a degree from the University of North Texas and post graduate certification in long-term care from Texas State University in 1996, Kassandra King worked as a licensed administrator at large facilities in Texas and California and served as Public Policy Director and Professional Education Manager at two chapters of the Alzheimer’s Association. Her inspiration to write this book came from working as Program Manager of Engagement at one of the largest memory care communities in California. She now owns Alzheimer’s Connection La Mesa, where she is happily occupied as a care consultant, care manager and rementia care educator.


FAMILY & RELATIONSHIPS / Life Stages / Later Years
Medical : Caregiving
Social Science : Disease & Health Issues


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