Human Bridges

ISBN: 9780911051322

Author: De Lorraine, Katherine

Date Published: 2/15/09

Pages: 140

Price: 14.95


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SKU: 0911051325 Category:


In Human Bridges, Katherine De Lorraine’s valuable and strongly achieved ambitions are healing and reconciliation as she observes the situation of womankind from three very different angles of vision. The middle sequence of contemporary lyrics ties together the series of stories of the valiant Weya women of Africa and the metaphysical hip-hop drama, Power Play, that ends the volume. Here is a poet that believes in a unity of spirit that binds women (and men) in a transcendent community. She has the technical skills and the energy to transport readers into her sphere of belief. Entertaining, serious, witty, and sometimes wry, Human Bridges is hard-won testimony —
and much more than that.

Fred Chappell, poet and novelist, author of the poetry collection, Backass (2004) , and the novel, Dagon (2002)

Any time a new voice is raised in the honest quest for truth and peace; for love and understanding, the universe sings a better song to help relax us all for change. Katherine De Lorraine is singing a new song of expectation and hope. We all should be pleased.

Nikki Giovanni, poet, author of Acolytes: Poems (2007)

Poetry : American – General
Drama : American


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