Images in the Clouds

ISBN: 9781632100948

Author: Wells, Maria

Date Published: 14-Feb-2022

Pages: 92

Price: 27.99



SKU: 1632100940 Category: Tag:


“Memories in Silver” is a wonderful piece of writing-a simple idea, simply done and beautifully sustained. It is full of emotion, yet not over-wrought. Every image, every phrase, every recollection rings true. I like the sense of a quiet intelligence which runs through and pulls together the whole poem.

-Andrew Lycett, London Author / Biographer

These poems are genuine and speak of life, with fine details, good suspense throughout, sense of being there, in that place, that moment. Choice of speaker and subject gathers the different events and people. The poems are good with mood, tone, emotions quietly expressed.

-David Wevill, Poet

These poems by Maria Wells have personal integrity and are both deeply felt and clearly voiced, all of which are always welcome in any art.

-Kurt Heinzelman, Professor Emeritus of Poetry and Poetics, The University of Texas at Austin

I close my eyes and I can experience the beauty of Italy. I can appreciate the ghosts that walk around and enjoy their moments. Ethereal, beautifully done. Maria Wells offers slices of reflective thoughts, entertaining stories, and refreshing realism with a positive, but not saccharine, message. Her work reflects her travels, culture, and knowledge without being lofty and her observations reveal parts of the human psyche with wisdom, clarity, and sometimes humor. Reading her work always leaves me with a smile as if I have been served an enjoyable dessert.

-Cathy Sydlo Wilkes, poet and author, New Braunfels Creative Writers

I love these poems. They leave me with strong feelings. I like the emotions that go with those experiences.”

-Hannah Chapelle Wojciehowski, Professor of English, The University of Texas at Austin

Unexpected stream of consciousness or “monologue interieur” … a newborn’s emerging identity! (One poem is) evocative, underscoring a peaceable moment in a war context.

-Jean -Pierre Cauvin, Professor Emeritus of French Literature

What a glorious picture you have painted, with all the emotions between tranquility and chaos, and captured within a few short lines… the “less is more” school of thought.

-John M. Knapp, London/Muscat

Just beautiful! Reminding me to notice all these glorious little snippets of life.

-Karen Johnson, Poet, NBCW

I was enthralled by the idea of your spirit leaving your body as you witness this. I also loved when the dancing ended and your spirit returned, how you were changed, “more conscious of the sublime”.

-Maureen Turner Carey, Writers Workshop Organizer, Westbank Library

Poems are luxury travel. Her first hand experiences thrill, amaze and delight. Let her poems guide you through Greek Mythology, and take you to Olympus!

-Thom Woodruff, SPIRIT THOM, Beat Poet Laureate of Texas 2020-2022

“Solo Climb” is very rich in imagery and metaphor, and it evokes the Gods. I felt I was climbing and striving with you, not worrying about reaching the peak but ever making my way upward because there was no other way to go but upward.

-Louise Richardson, APS/ New World Poetry

“How I Fell in Love with Poetry” and “Tonio Kroger, a Memory of Youth” both capture the bleak beauty of the Northern landscape and seas, and how it is part of the Nordic heritage- the seeming paradox of being warmed and enamored by facing the cold, danger and death; of feeling understood in facing solitude.

-Peter Philippson, M.Sc. Psychotherapy trainer, writer, UK