insomnia in flowers

ISBN: 9780911051292

Author: Radulescu, Stella Vinitchi

Date Published: 11/28/08

Pages: 80

Price: 14.95


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SKU: 0911051295 Category:


…what I like in the undervoice and the subterranean narrative threading it all together, the world speaking its mind only as a conduit for stark awareness of the damaged and beautiful self…(selves).
All the big themes here, in an intimate whisper, in shocking disbelief, gushing with desire – amazing lyric poetry.
David Dodd Lee, poet and editor,
Half Moon Bay Editing

These unexpected and often category-breaking lines give us Stella Radulescu’s acute sense of chaotic, lonely and metaphysically absurd where before death without resurrection our hope and reality is the unbearable beauty of a dream-turtle with blue eyes or a snowflake on the tip of the tongue or where before dawn on the Black Sea we can leave our bodies long before time.
Prof. Paul Friedrich, Anthropology & Linguistics,
University of Chicago

Poetry apparently emanates from Stella Vinitchi Radulescu as any essential element from source. Her work is that lucid and pure. Such understated elegance cannot be taught, only learned from a deep life.
Richard Fammerée, poet and director of
UniVerse of

Sans doute, faut-il voir dans ce cheminement de langages l’origine de cette recherche du mot juste, de cette économie de fioritures verbales qui permettent à Stella V. Radulescu, lauréate 2007 du Prix Art & Poésie de nous offrir une poésie libre de haute qualité, où les sons créent l’image, où l’image s’infiltre au tréfonds de l’être pour faire vibrer les cordes les plus sensibles du coeur.
Véronique Flabat-Piot,
Vice-Présidente de la Société
des Poètes et Artistes de France

Poetry : American – General
Poetry : Continental European


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