The Stones Speak

ISBN: 9781632100214

Author: King, Nancy

Date Published: 2/14/16

Pages: 266

Price: 16.95


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SKU: 1632100215 Category:


The Stones Speak is the story of three people who come to recognize that choosing to remain emotionally closed is ultimately more painful than taking the risk to open their hearts. Their choices show how pushing through past events and healing old wounds can catalyze authentic and intimate relationships.


Nancy King’s swift and spicy storytelling reveals a woman of today—Naomi Rosen—claiming courage from the harsh pain, confusion and creative truth of her past to recreate a bold, authentic self with relationships she trusts and a life she loves.
Barbara Beasley Murphy, author of Life! How I Love You!

Nancy King is a tireless storyteller. The tales she weaves are imbued with
the width and breadth of real life, filled with the classic human struggles
that tear at the heart but in the end reassure us of our humanity.
Page Lambert, author of In Search of Kinship

About the Author
Nancy King, PhD, Union Institute and University, a seasoned storyteller, conducts storymaking workshops throughout the USA, Scandinavia, the UK, Canada, Mexico, and Hungary. She has authored Opening Gates, Changing Spaces, Morning Light, A Woman Walking, and Dancing With Wonder: Self-Discovery Through Stories. An active member of PEN USA, she writes, weaves, and lives in Santa Fe, NM. For more information, please visit her website:

FAMILY & RELATIONSHIPS / Marriage & Long Term Relationships
Social Science : Women’s Studies – General


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